Buying Guide for Garage Doors
There are 3 common types of residential Garage Doors available from Door Systems Australia.
1. Roller Door
Roll formed steel sheet curtain that rolls up & around the drum, guided by tracks with springs assisted mechanism which offer precise balance when opening & closing, Poly glide to reduce noise & friction when the door travels in guides, Aluminium bottom rail gives strength against intruders with a durable weather seal. This type of doors sits behind your opening & is suitable for garages & sheds where there is plenty of headroom above the opening.

2. Sectional Door
Sectional doors are most commonly made of steel but can be made from wood or other materials & comprises of rigid sections hinged together and moving horizontally along the ceiling guided by wheels in track assisted by spring mechanisms. This type of door sits behind the opening.

3. Tilt Door
These are made from one piece that tilts via pivoting arms. They offer the lowest possible headroom requirements and if steel finish is selected come in a wide range of colours. This type of door sits between your opening.